Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


OK, so it's a pretty loud title and, some might think, hard to live up to.


If you want to give yourself the most loving, positive, mind blowing kick-in-the-pants that you could possibly give yourself, sign up for a WRITE YOURSELF INTO MOTION weekend with Alexandra Franzen. I just spent an AMAZING long weekend, in Athabasca, Canada, with some women who are truly GIANTS in the world of realizing dreams and seeking highest good.

Can you hear that?

It's a standing ovation...a MAJOR celebration and recognition for these women and for Alexandra. WOW ladies! Simply WOW!

So what did I come away with? Well let me tell you!

Who am I?

I'm a heart song coach. I listen to the heart notes of others and facilitate unique life compositions for which they are the melody line. But really, I love listening to and honoring the music of the lives of those around me. So, tell me, what are the songs that life has written on your heart?

I am a creative life collaborator. I immerse myself in the creative juices of others and then engage with them in shaping life and realizing dreams. But really, I love to play in the realm of the potential and unleash that which is so much bigger than any one of us. So, what's waiting in you to be unleashed?

I am a dream maker. I listen to what is in the hearts of others and then I help them to see that realizing their dreams is simply about waking up. But really, I am a "waking up" work in progress, and I could really use your help. So, as a collaborator in the waking up process, what are your dreams, and when do you feel the most awake?

How's that for a trumpet toot!?!

You know what is EVEN COOLER? YOU ARE BRILLIANT TOO! For me, when I wrote it down, and put it into words, I was shaken awake to what I was depriving myself of by living "less than". Well, no more! As Alecia Keys says, "This girl is on fire!"

But really?

I believe that you deserve to truly understand your potential and how possible it is to build a life where your dreams come true. I'm so tired of people moving through their lives with diminished purpose, or people feeling that they have to accept "less than" because they believe that is all they deserve. What I dream for you is a rich and fulfilling life, full to overflowing of things you have dreamed of, and those things that have yet to dream. I have created an experience that I guarantee will wake you up to the brilliance of your true self, and I will connect you with a network of like minded people who will be there for you to celebrate and SHOUT OUT! in delight as you light up the world with YOUR AWESOMENESS!

So what's next?


And here's a promise for my friends in Canada. I will be throwing one in your neck of the woods in the not too distant future, and you will DEFINATELY BE INVITED!

Alex, you are the best! Thank you for waking me up. I am committed to paying it forward, and my heart song now includes your praises! YOU ROCKED IT!!

XO to all.

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