Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Finding the "Sweet Spot" in Life

Humanities capacity for purposeful, mindful creation is embodied in the myriad of things that we use to enrich our lives like: our cars, our homes, our tools, our personal possessions - there is a great deal of thought and planning that has gone into our satisfaction and happiness with our "stuff".

As I create my life, day to day, do I give this process equal mindfulness and attention?  Probably not.

A good part of my life, up until now, has been in a "feed the need" mode, or, as I fondly refer to this way of being, in the mode of "immaculate consumption".  Every time I would need something, I'd save and buy it.  I've been doing this for over 40 years.  The result is a home, basement, and garage that shelters things I don't use, don't need, and can't find when I do need it.

Over the last 40 years, life has consistently demonstrated to me that, if I need something, and I am focused on the highest good and on truly serving others, I will get what I need when I need it - I will be served.  Yet I seem to doubt this truth and to stock pile things "just in case".

My advice to me?  STOP IT!!!!  What I'm finding is, when opportunity knocks and I need to move, I'm burdened by all this stuff.  As I am getting older it is dragging me down!  So I'm taking inventory, yard saling, gifting, donating, and getting myself to a place where I can move gracefully, as opportunities arise, and I can stay in balance and happy as I'm doing this.  I've learned that what worked then, might not work now, and staying in the present, load lightened, relaxed and ready, is the best way to move forward gracefully as I head into the last 20 years or so of my life.

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