Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Inspired Engagement

I don't know about you, but I love, Love, LOVE when I am all fired up and head-over-heels involved in a project.  Those are some of the times when I truly feel alive.  Those are the times when I am truly 150% in the game.  I have boundless energy, and I find it hard to sleep.  I am so excited about what I am doing every day.  Some real "tells" that I am in that sweet spot?  I am excited and eager.  I talk to everyone and anyone about what I am working on.  The project becomes a theme that is woven into my analogies and thoughts.  I find it hard to put this project that I am passionate about down, and I find myself drawn back to it again and again and again.

I also love, Love, LOVE when others are in this space as well.  I find that I can vicariously experience the exact same feelings and energy through sharing in someone else's immersion in what they are passionate about.  I ride the excitement of the wave they create through emoting and sharing.  I find myself anticipating spending time with them around what they are working on.  I am willing to help, encourage, and support as I thrill at their progress, and learnings.  It's like Dr Seuss said, "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

I love, Love, LOVE when reality is better than my dreams!

Collaboration, learning, problem solving, creative solutions, out of the box thinking, contemplative time, investigating parallel worlds and comparative approaches; identifying patterns, trends and indicators - all come into play FULLY engaging my mind, body, and spirit.  Sometimes break-throughs come from logical progression; sometimes break-throughs come from making new connections between previously disassociated ideas; sometimes break-throughs seem to appear like manna from heaven.  It is a wonderfully dynamic and magical process - a melding and molding of givens and discoveries into hew patterns and understandings.  It is brilliantly transformational.

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