Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On The Path to Enlightenment

I had a tough week last week. There were a couple of things that came together that made me look, really look at my life and my choices and my WHY. I found it necessary to spend the weekend revisiting what I know to be my core purpose for being and to reconnect in order to move past the events of last week.

Last week brought tremendous disappointment in the company that I work for. I am seriously beginning to doubt that this company is the vehicle that will allow me to fully realize my WHY. We have a leadership that seems unable to stop lapsing into modes of communication and politicking that have no place in a truly people centric culture. Having leadership that BELIEVES in our WHY is an absolute requirement for us ever to have a chance of getting there. I just didn't see it this last week. Don't get me wrong - there are those leaders who live the vision, just not enough of them, and not enough at the top. It becomes really obvious when the going gets tough.

I really need to take into consideration how much time I realistically have left and how that has the potential of playing out given the current state. If I were to dream the dream, I need a vehicle that is solidly anchored to its WHY. I need people around me who are all rowing in the same direction with conviction, with enthusiasm and with a FAITH in the WHY that is unfaltering and unwavering. How we treat the least of us is a key to how people centric we truly are.

This weekend I spent with my daughter celebrating Mother's Day. Being a Mom has been an amazing adventure. My daughter has given me 20 years of growing and stretching and testing and change. She is my most valued teacher and my most beloved creation. "A child is someone who passes through your life and disappears into adulthood." My daughter is at that threshold. It is important to me, until I take my dying breath, that I model what it means to live life fully; to push the envelope, to challenge myself; and to be fearless in the pursuit of my WHY, not just for her, for for all of those in my circle of influence. I may not have a lot of time left, but what I have needs to count.

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