Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life's Little Challenges

I consider myself a fair minded person, for the most part. This week the lines I draw in the sand, that define my life, were challenged; more pointedly, they were offended. Now I am looking at what happened and asking myself "why"? Why did this event impact me to the degree that it did? A wise man I knew once told me that we, as individuals, have the power to disarm hurtful words that are sent our way. He described hurtful words as "arrows". He shared that we decide if we will let the arrows pierce us - or not. He shared that words are merely wind over vocal chords - nothing more. It is we, who give them meaning. It is we, who give them power. In this light, I let the words this person sent my way wound me. Initially I became angry with this person, but not so any more. I realize that he is who he is. I don't have to like him, or approve of him. He is not permanently a part of my life. Neither does he need to be. In truth, it wasn't his fault that our worlds momentarily collided. If the truth be told, I have a part of my life that isn't in a "state" that I would like to see it in. All the incident did was point this out. If my life had been where I would like it to be, I probably wouldn't have reacted as strongly as I did. The good news is I don't believe I let on that I was impacted to the level that I was. Bottom line: no harm, no foul.

As humans, we spend so much time and energy building the sand castles we call our lives. The truth is, the ocean of time will eventually wash it away. What then do we leave behind? What then is our legacy? For me, it is the one kind word that I can offer someone else; or the act of forgiveness, or compassion; it is the thoughtful deed that brightens one person's day, or lifts someone's spirits. It is my encouragement to everyone I have the opportunity to interact with in a positive way: in short, my legacy is to pass it on, to pay it forward. It is unlikely that I will be remembered long after I'm gone, or that history will record my deeds for posterity. But that in no way diminishes the lasting impact of the simple kindnesses that I can extend to others that can make a difference in their lives. If that is all I am able to accomplish, it is enough.

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