Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

When Life SCREAMS!!

Life SCREAMED at me last night, and WOW, did that throw me off for a bit.  So let me unpack what happened.  First, I WON!!!  I love to win things!  I am, like UBBER happy and bubbly and delighted when I WIN THINGS!  It's like life reaches out, and taps me on the shoulder and says, "YO!  MAMA!  You are the BOMB"  Soooooooooooo, I was on cloud nine.

I won a FREE session with my Soul Friend from Canada, Jen, who is ready to ILLUMINATE my life with her gifts and talents in order to help me be better at engaging in the world, building my tribe, and realizing my dreams!  How PERFECT is that?

OK, can you feel it?  The excitement is palpable!  The anticipation is ELECTRIC!  The stage is set and a super star (me) waits in the wings, ready to make my grand entrance and DAZZLE the world with my brilliance.  Then, ENTER LIFE, STAGE LEFT.

OUCH!  OK, so challenge one: I was ready... set... and... no go!  The internet went down, DRATS!  So I whipped out my red cape and became THE MASKED WONDER WOMAN.  I fudged with the router, I restarted the computer, repeatedly, I reset everything... and... nothing.  So, challenge two: really?  really?  how could I not have a PLAN B?  I pulled up facebook on my cell and messaged Jen regarding my woes, and Jen (in her capacity to adjust and adapt) suggested we talk on the phone instead of Skype.  GREAT!!  I was all in.  So I shut down the computer, cursed at the router a couple of times (for good measure) and then prepared to receive the information I needed via the phone.  OK, so here's where I make a long story short, I didn't understand that I had inadvertently failed to provide my phone number (important!), and my phone service decided to take the slow boat to China, and didn't process key messages from Jen until 10PM, when we had agreed to connect at 8PM.

LEARNINGS:  1) Have a plan B; 2) Getting wrapped around the axle is counter productive to what I am creating (a great reminder!); 3) When shit happens, accept, regroup, own, breath, let go, and move forward; 4) When Life SCREAMS, step back, relax, watch, and learn.  VOILA, out the other side and moving forward.  It's not that there won't be pot holes in the road of life, it's that we can choose to bemoan their existence or we can observe the effects and understand how to better deal the next time.  YEAH LIFE!

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