Communication is the invisible thread that bonds humanity. Expressions and language help us to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How Serious Is too Serious?

It is important to be serious about what you believe in. It is also important to be able to laugh at yourself.

There are times, for myself, when I have to remind myself that I'm a finite being living in a finite world that is spinning in a comparably infinite universe. As serious as I take myself, I still need to laugh, and I still need to be open to others perspectives and ideas. There is nothing scarier that a person who takes themselves so seriously that they can't see the irony of their existence; that they can't laugh at themselves on occasion and make fun of themselves on occasion. In the end what I do will be the testimony to what I believe. Lip service is an exemplary life is the challenge. Real truth is never compromised because one person indulges their sense of humor or makes an off message choice. Real truth just is. It's people who pass judgments and hold expectations; it's people who exclude or include according to their rules and boundaries that can create artificial truths or truths that are merely situationally applicable.

Compassion becomes the salve that breaks down barriers and allows others to freely choose without past experiences weighing one down. It is compassion that lifts others up and holds them in a place that allows them to be all that they can be. So laugh a little; enjoy life; and know that everyone is exploring their boundaries and finding their comfort zones. I, for one, choose to see the best, laugh with the rest, and live my life in a way that I am at peace with it.

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